Friday, September 24, 2010

8 Advantages of Video Conferencing For Small Businesses

There are many advantages for small businesses to use video conferencing on a daily basis as an effective tool. For example, you can keep in touch with employees - no matter where they are located. Not to mention cutting travel costs and time away from the office to attend business meetings.

Here are 8 Advantages of Video Conferencing:

1) Meeting online saves on expenses

No longer is it necessary to travel from location to location, paying high gas prices, or expensive hotel stays and food expenses.

2) Save Time and be more productive

You and your employees will be able to get more work done in less time by eliminating the need to travel to other locations to attend meetings. Simply meet and collaborate online - saving a lot of valuable time and energy.

3) Video conferencing Equipment is now affordable

Online conferences is no longer just for large corporations with deep pockets. The only thing you need is a computer, ann internet connection, a webcam/microphone, and a reliable service provider. Even small businesses can afford as little as $49 dollars a month to benefit from the convenience and ease of video conferences.

4) Meet As often as you need

Logistics can make it difficult for employees to attend meetings. With video conferencing, every one can attend in minutes without having to leave your office or location.

5) Speed Up Decision Making

Make faster decisions by including all key decision makers in an online meeting. Even if they're traveling in China!

6) Safety

Commuting long distances in poor or bad weather is risky. And more people are nervous about air travel with the threat of terrorists. Employees are concerned about their safety in traveling to distant locations. Video conferencing eliminates these and other risks associated with traveling.

7) Improves customer relations

Customers can make or break your small business. But it's expensive calling frequent business meetings with your clients. You can drastically cut this cost and still meet face to face with video conferencing. Plus, you can skip the high cost of a conference room.

8) Higher quality of life

Instead of spending your time on business travel, your employees will appreciate being able to attend important meetings from the comfort of their office or desk. This leaves more free time to spend with loved ones, volunteer in the community, or pursue interests and hobbies.

With so many advantages of video conferencing, it's fast becoming as important to business management as your cell phone and laptop.

Start cutting 68% or more off your business costs with video conferences HERE

Plus, 2 FREE web cameras...yours to keep...even if you decide to cancel.

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